
2016-10-28 09:36
Holiday in Poland
2016-10-28 09:31
Dividend: INTEL, APPLE and CITI.
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. INTEL – long +22,1 points and short -26 points. APPLE – long +48,45 points and short -57...
2016-10-28 09:31
Dividend: INTEL, APPLE and CITI.
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. INTEL – long +22,1 points and short -26 points. APPLE – long +48,45 points and short -57...
2016-10-27 09:47
Rollover: OILBRNT
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication the swap points for  -              OILBRNT are long -111,5...
2016-10-27 09:46
Rollover: OILBRNT
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication the swap points for  -              OILBRNT are long -111,5...
2016-10-26 16:24
DEMO konkursa līderi pēc pirmās nedēļas
DEMO konkursa līderi pēc pirmās nedēļas Pirmā nedēļa ir noslēgusies. Līdz šim esam novērojuši divus līderus, kuru ienesīgums pārsniedz 300%. Vadībā pašlaik ir ASADUL, bet vēl konkurss ir tikai pusē,...
2016-10-26 15:34
TMS Trade Masters: the first week summary
The best ones in the competition, after the first week The first week of challenge has gone by. By now, we have observed 2 leaders emerging, whose return rates exceed 300%. The third place goes to...
2016-10-26 13:56
Trading houers shorted: TR30
2016-10-26 09:17
Rollover: TR30
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication the swap points for  - TR30 are long -1375 points and short +...
2016-10-26 09:17
Rollover: TR30
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication the swap points for  - TR30 are long -1375 points and short +...
CFD ir sarežģīti instrumenti, un tiem ir augsts risks attiecībā uz strauju naudas zaudēšanu sviras finansējuma dēļ.
75% no šā produktu sniedzēja privāto ieguldītāju kontiem zaudē naudu, veicot CFD tirdzniecību.
Jums būtu jāapsver tas, vai izprotat, kā CFD darbojas, un vai Jūs varat atļauties uzņemties augsto naudas zaudēšanas risku.