The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
FEDEX for long +35 points and for short -50 points,
PEKAO for long +703,08 points and for...
2017-06-19 09:37
• Aktualności
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
OILBRNT for long -29,5 points and for...
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
UK10Y for long +123,5 points and for...
2017-06-14 15:16
• Aktualności
Rollover: DE30, GB100, CH20, EU50, IT40, US30, US100, US500, US2000, FR40, NL25, ES35, SE30 and NO25
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
DE30 are long +72,5 points and short -...
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
USDINDEX are long +27,5 points and...
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
OILWTI are long -26,5 points and short...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
GE for long +16,8 points and for short -24 points,
In addition to the information on the...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
MAPFRE for long +68,85 points and for short -285 points,
In addition to the information...