
2025-01-22 10:36
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 27.01.2025 trading from 07:11: AU200.pro
2025-01-14 11:42
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 20.01.2025 trading will be disabled: US ShareCFDs, ETF CFDs, US Stocks trading will be disabled: COCOA.pro, COFFEE.pro, COTTON.pro, SUGAR.pro, SOYBEAN.pro, WHEAT.pro trading until 18:59:...
2025-01-03 10:58
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 06.01.2025 trading will be disabled: FI ShareCFDs, PL ShareCFDs, SE ShareCFDs, PL Stocks trading will be disabled: PL20.pro 09.01.2025 trading will be disabled: US ShareCFDs, ETF CFDs, US...
2024-12-18 12:42
Trading hours during Christmas and New Year
Holidays 24.12.2024 trading will be disabled: DE ShareCFDs, DK ShareCFDs, FI ShareCFDs, PL ShareCFDs, SE ShareCFDs, DE Stocks, PL Stocks trading will be disabled: DE30.pro, EU50.pro, CH20.pro, PL20....
2024-11-25 12:42
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 28.11.2024 trading will be disabled: US EQUITIES, ETFs, US stocks early close 19:00: US30.pro, US100.pro, US500.pro, US2000.pro, JP225.pro, NAS100, SPX500 early close 19:30: OILBRNT.pro...
2024-10-31 09:55
Time change in USA
Due to the change of time in the USA from 03.11.2024 the trading hours specified in the Financial Instruments Specification will apply, with the exception of (attachment).
2024-10-29 09:51
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 01.11.2024 trading will be disabled: PL Equity CFDs, PL Stocks, PL20.pro early close 12:55 SE Equity CFDs 11.11.2024 trading will be disabled: PL Equity CFDs, PL Stocks, PL20.pro
2024-10-23 10:36
Time change in Europe
Due to the time change in Europe from 27/10/2024 trading hours for the following instruments will change (attachment).
2024-10-03 10:41
Time change in Australia
Due to the time change in Australia on 06.10.2024, the trading hours on the following symbols will be changed:   Monday - Friday   Session 1 Session 2 Symbol Open Close Open Close AU200.pro...
2024-09-25 15:27
Time change in New Zealand
Due to the time change in New Zealand on 29.09.2024, the trading hours on the following symbols will be changed:   Sunday Monday - Thursday Friday   Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3...
CFD являются сложными инструментами и сопряжены с высоким риском быстрой потери денежных средств из-за рычагов.
75% счетов розничных инвесторов фиксируют убытки в результате торговли CFD.
Подумайте, понимаете ли вы, как работает CFD, и можете ли вы позволить себе высокий риск потери денег.