The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
OILWTI for long -18,5 points and for...
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
COFFEE for long -362,5 points and for...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
STBUCKS for long +17,5 points and for short -25 points,
IBM for long +105 points and for...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
• RIOTINTO for long +7481,7 points and for short -8313 points,
• ...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
BOENING for long +99,4 points and for short -142 points,
WALMART for long +35,7 points and...
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
COFFEE for long -367,5 points and for...
Lielu saviļņojumu izraisīja Eiropas Centrālās Bankas lēmums pagājušajā nedēļā attiecībā uz atdeves rādītājiem ,kā arī Mario Dragi konference. Daudzi investori nolēma palikt tirgū abās reizēs, kas...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
UNILEVER for long 2864,7 points and for short -3183 points,
INTEL for long +19,075 points...
The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
PFIZER for long +22,4 points and for short -32 points,
SANTANDER for long +48,6 points...