December 23th, 2019 the base contracts for instrument: BITCOIN will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points....
2019-12-20 08:39
• Aktualności
Rollovers – final value: CH20.std, CH20.pro, DE30.std, DE30.pro, ES35.std, ES35.pro, FR40.std, FR40.pro, GASOLIN.pro, GASOLIN.std, GB100.std, GB100.pro, HOIL.std, HOIL.pro, IT40.std, IT40.pro, NL25.std, NL25.pro, OILBRNT.std, OILBRNT.pro, PL20.std...
Rollovers – final value
CH20.std are long 98 points and short -102 points
CH20.pro are long 99 points and short -101 points
DE30.std are long -102.5 points and short 87.5 points
DE30.pro are long -...
December 20th, 2019 is established right to dividend on instruments: GE. The resulting dividend will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points.
GE are long 0.85...
Tuesday, 24 December
Trading will be shorten to 17:00 with exceptions:
Equity CFD for Polish stock, Equity CFD for German stock, BRACOMP.pro, BRACOMP.std, CH20.pro, CH20.std, DE30.pro, DE30.std,...
2019-12-19 08:06
• Aktualności
Rollovers: CH20.std, CH20.pro, DE30.std, DE30.pro, ES35.std, ES35.pro, FR40.std, FR40.pro, GASOLIN.pro, GASOLIN.std, GB100.std, GB100.pro, HOIL.std, HOIL.pro, IT40.std, IT40.pro, NL25.std, NL25.pro, OILBRNT.std, OILBRNT.pro, PL20.std, PL20.pro
December 19th, 2019 the base contracts for instruments: CH20.std, CH20.pro, DE30.std, DE30.pro, ES35.std, ES35.pro, FR40.std, FR40.pro, GASOLIN.pro, GASOLIN.std, GB100.std, GB100.pro, HOIL.std, HOIL....
2019-12-19 07:53
• Aktualności
Rollovers – final value: US100.std, US100.pro, US2000.std, US2000.pro, US30.std, US30.pro, US500.std, US500.pro
US100.std are long -310 points and short 300 points
US100.pro are long -310 points and short 300 points
US2000.std are long -49 points and short 43 points
US2000.pro are long -49 points and...
2019-12-18 10:23
• Aktualności
Rollovers: US100.std, US100.pro, US2000.std, US2000.pro, US30.std, US30.pro, US500.std, US500.pro
December 18th, 2019 the base contracts for instruments: US100.std, US100.pro, US2000.std, US2000.pro, US30.std, US30.pro, US500.std, US500.pro will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied...
BRACOMP.std are long -780 points and short 680 points
BRACOMP.pro are long -745 points and short 715 points
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication, the swap points for:
• BRACOMP.std are long -765 points and...
Rollovers :
Tuesday the 17th December, 2019 - BRACOMP.std, BRACOMP.pro
Wednesday the 18th December, 2019 - US100.std, US100.pro, US2000.std, US2000.pro, US30.std, US30.pro, US500.std, US500.pro, US....