Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:00  - Eurogroup Meeting Eurogroup Meeting 2
00:00  - ECOFIN Meeting ECOFIN Meeting 1
00:00  - European Central Bank Chairman Speaks European Central Bank Chairman Speaks 2
00:30  - Manufacturing PMI Manufacturing PMI August 2 45,8 44
06:30 Industrial Production s.a. - fin.. July 2 3,1% m/m 2,8% m/m -4,2% m/m
08:30  - Industrial Production n.s.a. - fin.. Industrial Production n.s.a. - fin.. July 3 -1,3% y/y -1,3% y/y -8,2% y/y
08:30  - Industrial Production w.d.a. - fin.. Industrial Production w.d.a. - fin.. July 1 -6,4% y/y -6,4% y/y -3,7% y/y
08:30  - Industrial Production s.a. - fin.. Industrial Production s.a. - fin.. July 1 0,0% m/m 0,0% m/m 0,5% m/m
08:45  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. August 1 1,8% y/y 1,9% y/y 2,3% y/y
08:45  - Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - fin.. Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - fin.. August 1 2,2% y/y 2,2% y/y 2,7% y/y
09:00  - Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index August 3 2,8% y/y 2,9% y/y 2,6% y/y
10:00  - Current Account Current Account July 2 -13,74 bn CZK -19,7 bn CZK -48,24 bn CZK
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. August 3 4,3% y/y 4,3% y/y 4,2% y/y
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. August 3 0,1% m/m 0,1% m/m 1,4% m/m
10:30  - Consumers' Inflation Expectations Consumers' Inflation Expectations 3Q 1 2,7% 2,8%
11:00  - Industrial Production s.a. Industrial Production s.a. July 1 -0,3% m/m -0,3% m/m -0,1% m/m
11:00  - Industrial Production w.d.a. Industrial Production w.d.a. July 1 -2,2% y/y -2,7% y/y -3,9% y/y
13:35  - New Loans New Loans August 1 900 bn CNY 1050 bn CNY 260 bn CNY
13:35  - Money Supply M2 Money Supply M2 August 2 6,3% y/y 6,2% y/y 6,3% y/y
14:00  - Current Account Current Account July 1 -1462 mn EUR -350 mn EUR 588 mn EUR
14:00  - Balance on Goods Balance on Goods July 2 -1450 mn EUR -191 mn EUR
14:30  - Export Prices Export Prices August 1 -0,7% m/m -0,1% m/m 0,7% m/m
14:30  - Non-agricultural Export Prices Non-agricultural Export Prices August 1 -0,6% m/m 1% m/m
14:30  - Import Prices Import Prices August 1 -0,3% m/m -0,2% m/m 0,1% m/m
14:30  - Non-petroleum Import Prices Non-petroleum Import Prices August 1 -0,1% m/m 0,1% m/m
14:30  - Wholesale Trade Wholesale Trade July 2 0,4% m/m -1,1% m/m -0,6% m/m
14:30  - Industrial Capacity Utilization Rates Industrial Capacity Utilization Rates 2Q 1 79,1% 78,4% 78,5%
16:00  - University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - pre.. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - pre.. September 2 69 68 67,9
16:00  - University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. September 2 2,7 2,8
16:00  - University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. September 2 3,1 3
19:00  - Oil Rig Count Oil Rig Count Week 1 488 483
No data
Rozdílové smlouvy jsou složitými nástroji a jsou spjaty s vysokým rizikem rychlé ztráty peněžních prostředků z důvodu finančního pákového efektu.
75% účtů maloobchodních investorů zaznamenává v důsledku obchodování s rozdílovými smlouvami u tohoto dodavatele ztráty.
Zamyslete se, zda chápete, jak fungují rozdílové smlouvy, a zda si můžete dovolit riziko vysoké riziko ztráty peněz.