Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:45  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 -0,2% q/q -0,4% q/q 0,2% q/q
00:45  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 -0,5% y/y -0,5% y/y 0,3% y/y
03:30  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate August 1 4,2% 4,2% 4,2%
03:30  - Employment Change Employment Change August 3 47,5 k 25,9 k 58,2 k
08:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance August 1 4,58 bn CHF 5,05 bn CHF 4,89 bn CHF
09:00  - SECO Economic Forecasts SECO Economic Forecasts 3Q 1
10:00  - Interest Rate Decision Interest Rate Decision September 1 4,50% 4,50% 4,50%
10:00  - Industrial Producer Prices Industrial Producer Prices August 1 -5,1% y/y -4,8% y/y -4,8% y/y
10:00  - Industrial Producer Prices Industrial Producer Prices August 1 -0,1% m/m -0,1% m/m 0,0% m/m
10:00  - Prices of Construction-Assembly Production Prices of Construction-Assembly Production August 1 5,3% y/y 5,8% y/y
10:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production August 3 -1,5% y/y -0,4% y/y 4,9% y/y
10:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production August 3 -5,2% m/m -3,7% m/m -3,3% m/m
10:00  - Industrial Production s.a. Industrial Production s.a. August 2 0,6% y/y 2,2% y/y
10:00  - Average Gross Wages Average Gross Wages August 1 8189,74 PLN 8278,63 PLN
10:00  - Wages - Change Wages - Change August 2 11,1% y/y 10,8% y/y 10,6% y/y
10:00  - Average Paid Employment Average Paid Employment August 1 6470 k 6488,8 k
10:00  - Employment - Change Employment - Change August 1 -0,5% y/y -0,3% y/y -0,4% y/y
10:00  - Current Account n.s.a. Current Account n.s.a. July 1 48 bn EUR 52,4 bn EUR
10:00  - Current Account s.a. Current Account s.a. July 1 39,6 bn EUR 40,3 bn EUR 50,5 bn EUR
13:00  - Official Bank Rate Official Bank Rate September 3 5,00% 5,00% 5,00%
13:00  - MPC Official Bank Rate Votes MPC Official Bank Rate Votes September 3 0-8-1 0-7-2 0-4-5
13:00  - Bank of England Minutes Bank of England Minutes September 3
13:00  - One-week Repo Rate One-week Repo Rate September 1 50,00% 50,00% 50,00%
13:00  - Overnight Borrowing Rate Overnight Borrowing Rate September 1 53,00% 53,00%
13:00  - Overnight Funding Rate Overnight Funding Rate September 1 47,00% 47,00%
13:00  - Late Liquidity Window Rate Late Liquidity Window Rate September 1 56,00% 56,00%
13:30  - Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks 3
14:30  - Current Account Current Account 2Q 2 -266,8 bn USD -260 bn USD -237,6 bn USD
14:30  - Philadelphia Fed Index Philadelphia Fed Index September 2 1,7 -1 -7
14:30  - Weekly Jobless Claims Weekly Jobless Claims Week 3 219 k 231 k 230 k
16:00  - Conference Board Leading Indicators Conference Board Leading Indicators August 1 -0,2% -0,3% -0,6%
16:00  - Existing Home Sales Existing Home Sales August 3 3,86 mn 3,9 mn 3,95 mn
16:30  - EIA Natural Gas Storage EIA Natural Gas Storage Week 2 58 bn 53 bn 40 bn
No data
Rozdílové smlouvy jsou složitými nástroji a jsou spjaty s vysokým rizikem rychlé ztráty peněžních prostředků z důvodu finančního pákového efektu.
75% účtů maloobchodních investorů zaznamenává v důsledku obchodování s rozdílovými smlouvami u tohoto dodavatele ztráty.
Zamyslete se, zda chápete, jak fungují rozdílové smlouvy, a zda si můžete dovolit riziko vysoké riziko ztráty peněz.