Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
02:30  - Prices of Residential Buildings Prices of Residential Buildings February 2 -5% y/y
03:00  - Urban Areas Investments Urban Areas Investments February 1 3,7% y/y 3,2% y/y
03:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production February 2 5,3% y/y 6,2% y/y
03:00  - Retail Sales Retail Sales February 2 4% y/y 3,7% y/y
08:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance February 1 94,8 bn NOK
09:00  - Producer Price Index Producer Price Index February 3 0,5% y/y
10:00  - Current Account Current Account January 2 17,8 bn CZK 15,19 bn CZK
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. February 1 1,7% y/y 1,5% y/y
13:15  - Housing Starts Housing Starts February 1 248,5 k 239,7 k
13:30  - NY Empire State Manufacturing Index NY Empire State Manufacturing Index March 2 1,5 5,7
13:30  - Retail Sales Retail Sales February 3 0,6% m/m -0,9% m/m
13:30  - Retail Sales Ex Autos Retail Sales Ex Autos February 3 0,4% m/m -0,4% m/m
13:30  - Retail Sales Ex Gas and Autos Retail Sales Ex Gas and Autos February 3 0,4% m/m -0,5% m/m
14:00  - Current Account Current Account January 1 -803 mn EUR
14:00  - Balance on Goods Balance on Goods January 2 -2236 mn EUR
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices January 1 3,2% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices January 1 5,2% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices January 2 4% y/y
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean January 1 4,3% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices February 1
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices February 1
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices February 2
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean February 1
15:00  - NAHB Housing Market Index NAHB Housing Market Index March 1 43 42
15:00  - Business Inventories Business Inventories January 1 0,2% m/m -0,2% m/m
No data
Rozdílové smlouvy jsou složitými nástroji a jsou spjaty s vysokým rizikem rychlé ztráty peněžních prostředků z důvodu finančního pákového efektu.
75% účtů maloobchodních investorů zaznamenává v důsledku obchodování s rozdílovými smlouvami u tohoto dodavatele ztráty.
Zamyslete se, zda chápete, jak fungují rozdílové smlouvy, a zda si můžete dovolit riziko vysoké riziko ztráty peněz.