
2016-07-22 14:07
The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication the swap points for ; GASOLINE are long -72 points and short...
2016-07-19 14:36
Rollover: OILWTI
July 19th, 2016 the base contract for OILWTI will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication...
2016-07-19 14:33
Rollover: NATGAS
July 20th, 2016 the base contract for NATGAS will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication...
2016-07-19 14:15
Rollover: NATGAS
July 20th, 2016 the base contract for NATGAS will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication...
2016-07-19 14:12
Rollover: OILWTI
July 19th, 2016 the base contract for OILWTI will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points. At the moment of publication...
2016-06-09 17:04
Bloomberg pripažino TMS geriausiu prognozuotoju
TMS pralenkė visus dėl savo pesimistinių lūkesčių, kuriuos pagrindė galimu Kinijos akcijų rinkos nuosmukiu ir jo įtaka valiutų rinkai. Taip pat mes abejojome gražia JAV dolerio perspektyva, kurios...
2016-06-08 21:18
TMS won Bloomberg forecast accuracy rankings!
TMS hit the mark by being pessimistic, incorporating a possible meltdown in China’s stock market into our foreign-exchange forecasts. We also questioned whether the bullish consensus on the U.S....
CFD yra sudėtingos priemonės, dėl kurių kyla didelė rizika greitai prarasti pinigus taikant finansinį svertą.
75 proc. neprofesionaliųjų investuotojų sąskaitų prarandami pinigai prekiaujant CFD su šiuo teikėju.
Turėtumėte pagalvoti, ar suprantate, kaip veikia CFD ir ar galite sau leisti prisiimti didelę riziką prarasti savo pinigus.