Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:00  - Jackson Hole Symposium Jackson Hole Symposium 3
00:30  - RBNZ Chairman Orr Speaks RBNZ Chairman Orr Speaks 2
01:30 Tokyo Core Consumer Price Index August 1 2,6% y/y 2,5% y/y 2,3% y/y
02:00  - FOMC Member George Speaks FOMC Member George Speaks 2
08:00  - Producers Price Index Producers Price Index July 1 20,4% y/y 25,6% y/y
08:00  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate July 1 6,4% 8,6%
08:00  - GfK Consumer Confidence GfK Consumer Confidence September 1 -36,5 -31,3 -30,6
08:00  - Retail Sales Ex-Auto Retail Sales Ex-Auto July 1 -2,1% m/m -0,4% m/m
08:45  - Consumer Confidence Index Consumer Confidence Index August 1 82 79 80
09:00  - Producer Price Index Producer Price Index July 2 42,9% y/y 43,2% y/y
10:00  - Money Supply M3 Money Supply M3 July 1 5,5% y/y 5,6% y/y 5,7% y/y
14:30  - Personal Consumption Expenditures Personal Consumption Expenditures July 2 0,1% m/m 0,4% m/m 1,1% m/m
14:30  - PCE Core PCE Core July 2 0,1% m/m 0,3% m/m 0,6% m/m
14:30  - PCE Core PCE Core July 2 4,6% y/y 4,7% y/y 4,8% y/y
14:30  - PCE PCE July 2 -0,1% m/m 1% m/m
14:30  - PCE PCE July 2 6,3% y/y 6,8% y/y
14:30  - Personal Income Personal Income July 2 0,2% m/m 0,6% m/m 0,6% m/m
14:30  - International Trade in Goods International Trade in Goods July 2 -89,06 bn USD -98,5 bn USD -98,18 bn USD
16:00  - University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - fin.. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - fin.. August 2 58,2 55,1 51,5
16:00  - University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - fin.. University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - fin.. August 2 4,8 5 5,2
16:00  - University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - fin.. University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - fin.. August 2 2,9 3 2,9
16:00  - Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell Speaks Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell Speaks 3
19:00  - Oil Rig Count Oil Rig Count Week 1 605 601
No data
CFD ir sarežģīti instrumenti, un tiem ir augsts risks attiecībā uz strauju naudas zaudēšanu sviras finansējuma dēļ.
74% no šā produktu sniedzēja privāto ieguldītāju kontiem zaudē naudu, veicot CFD tirdzniecību.
Jums būtu jāapsver tas, vai izprotat, kā CFD darbojas, un vai Jūs varat atļauties uzņemties augsto naudas zaudēšanas risku.