Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:50 Trade Balance February 2 -897,7 bn JPY -1100 bn JPY -3496,6 bn JPY
00:50 Exports February 1 6,5% y/y 7,1% y/y 3,5% y/y
00:50 Imports February 1 8,3% y/y 12,2% y/y 17,8% y/y
00:50 Machinery Orders January 2 9,5% m/m 1,6% m/m 1,6% m/m
01:30  - RBA Quarterly Bulletin RBA Quarterly Bulletin 1Q 1
01:30  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate February 1 3,5% 3,6% 3,7%
01:30  - Employment Change Employment Change February 3 64,6 k 49,1 k -11,5 k
02:30  - Prices of Residential Buildings Prices of Residential Buildings February 2 -1,2% y/y -1,5% y/y
05:30 Industrial Production s.a. - fin.. January 2 -5,3% m/m -4,6% m/m 0,3% m/m
08:00  - GDP GDP January 1 -0,2% m/m 0,4% m/m
08:00  - Mainland GDP Mainland GDP January 1 -0,2% m/m -0,2% m/m 0,4% m/m
09:00  - SECO Economic Forecasts SECO Economic Forecasts 1Q 1
10:00  - Current Account Current Account January 2 12,73 bn CZK -7,77 bn CZK
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. February 1 9,1% y/y 9,2% y/y 10% y/y
13:30  - Wholesale Trade Wholesale Trade January 2 2,4% m/m 3% m/m -0,8% m/m
13:30  - Export Prices Export Prices February 1 0,2% m/m -0,1% m/m 0,8% m/m
13:30  - Non-agricultural Export Prices Non-agricultural Export Prices February 1 0,1% m/m 0,8% m/m
13:30  - Import Prices Import Prices February 1 -0,1% m/m -0,2% m/m -0,2% m/m
13:30  - Non-petroleum Import Prices Non-petroleum Import Prices February 1 0,4% m/m 0,3% m/m
13:30  - Philadelphia Fed Index Philadelphia Fed Index March 2 -23,2 -15,5 -24,3
13:30  - Building Permits Building Permits February 3 1524 k 1335 k 1339 k
13:30  - Housing Starts Housing Starts February 3 1450 k 1310 k 1309 k
13:30  - Weekly Jobless Claims Weekly Jobless Claims Week 3 192 k 205 k 211 k
14:00  - Current Account Current Account January 1 1429 mn EUR -1000 mn EUR -2526 mn EUR
14:00  - Balance on Goods Balance on Goods January 2 1225 mn EUR -2716 mn EUR
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices January 2 11,7% y/y 11,6% y/y 11,5% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices January 1 14,4% y/y 15% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices January 1 16,3% y/y 17,1% y/y
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean January 1 15,2% y/y 14,4% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices February 2 12% y/y 11,7% y/y 11,7% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices February 1 15,5% y/y 14,4% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices February 1 18,1% y/y 16,3% y/y
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean February 1 17% y/y 15,2% y/y
14:15  - Refinancing Rate Refinancing Rate March 3 3,50% 3,50% 3,00%
14:15  - Deposit Facility Rate Deposit Facility Rate March 3 3,00% 3,00% 2,50%
14:45  - ECB Press Conference ECB Press Conference March 3
15:30  - EIA Natural Gas Storage EIA Natural Gas Storage Week 2 -58 bn -62 bn -84 bn
No data
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