Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:01  - FOMC Member Bostic Speaks FOMC Member Bostic Speaks 2
03:30  - Private Capital Expenditure Private Capital Expenditure 2Q 1 -2,2% q/q 1% q/q 1% q/q
07:00 Consumer Confidence Index August 1 36,7 36,9 36,7
08:00  - Retail Sales Ex-Auto Retail Sales Ex-Auto July 1 1,2% m/m 0,9% m/m -5,1% m/m
08:00  - Retail Sales n.s.a. Retail Sales n.s.a. July 1 -0,5% y/y -0,1% y/y
08:00  - Retail Sales n.s.a. Retail Sales n.s.a. July 1 0,5% m/m -0,2% m/m -0,3% m/m
09:00  - Consumer Price Index - pre.. Consumer Price Index - pre.. August 3 2,2% y/y 2,4% y/y 2,8% y/y
09:00  - Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - pre.. Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - pre.. August 3 2,4% y/y 2,5% y/y 2,9% y/y
09:00  - Consumer Confidence Consumer Confidence August 1 96,3 96,7 96,6
09:00  - Manufacturing Confidence Manufacturing Confidence August 1 97,1 97
09:00  - BIEC Leading Index BIEC Leading Index August 2 159,4 161,2
10:00  - GDP n.s.a. - fin.. GDP n.s.a. - fin.. 2Q 3 3,2% y/y 3,2% y/y 2% y/y
10:00  - GDP s.a. - fin.. GDP s.a. - fin.. 2Q 2 1,5% q/q 1,5% q/q 0,8% q/q
10:00  - GDP s.a. - fin.. GDP s.a. - fin.. 2Q 2 4% y/y 4% y/y 1,8% y/y
11:00  - Business Climate Business Climate August 1 -0,62 -0,6 -0,61
11:00  - Economic Sentiment Economic Sentiment August 1 96,6 95,9 95,8
11:00  - Consumer Sentiment Consumer Sentiment August 1 -13,5 -13,4 -13
11:00  - Industrial Sentiment Industrial Sentiment August 1 -9,7 -10,5 -10,5
11:00  - Services Sentiment Services Sentiment August 1 6,3 5,2 4,8
14:00  - Consumer Price Index - pre.. Consumer Price Index - pre.. August 2 1,9% y/y 2,1% y/y 2,3% y/y
14:00  - Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - pre.. Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices - pre.. August 2 2% y/y 2,2% y/y 2,6% y/y
14:30  - GDP (Annualized) - rev.. GDP (Annualized) - rev.. 2Q 3 3% 2,8% 1,4%
14:30  - GDP Price Deflator - rev.. GDP Price Deflator - rev.. 2Q 2 2,5% q/q 2,3% q/q 3,1% q/q
14:30  - PCE Core - rev.. PCE Core - rev.. 2Q 2 2,8% q/q 2,9% q/q 3,7% q/q
14:30  - Consumer Spending (Annualized) - rev.. Consumer Spending (Annualized) - rev.. 2Q 2 2,9% 2,3% 1,5%
14:30  - International Trade in Goods International Trade in Goods July 2 -102,66 bn USD -97,1 bn USD -96,84 bn USD
14:30  - Current Account Current Account 2Q 2 -8,48 bn CAD -5,95 bn CAD -5,37 bn CAD
14:30  - Weekly Jobless Claims Weekly Jobless Claims Week 3 231 k 233 k 232 k
16:00  - Pending Home Sales Pending Home Sales July 2 -5,5% m/m 0,5% m/m 4,8% m/m
16:30  - EIA Natural Gas Storage EIA Natural Gas Storage Week 2 35 bn 33 bn 35 bn
18:00  - SNB Chairman Jordan Speaks SNB Chairman Jordan Speaks 3
19:00  - Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks 3
21:30  - FOMC Member Bostic Speaks FOMC Member Bostic Speaks 2
No data
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