Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
03:30  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 0,4% q/q 0,3% q/q 0,2% q/q
03:30  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 2,1% y/y 1,8% y/y 2,3% y/y
08:00  - Factory Orders s.a. Factory Orders s.a. July 2 -11,7% m/m -4% m/m 7% m/m
08:00  - Factory Orders w.d.a. Factory Orders w.d.a. July 1 -10,5% y/y -4,3% y/y 3% y/y
08:30  - Retail Sales w.d.a. Retail Sales w.d.a. July 3 -7,6% y/y -8,3% y/y
09:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance July 2 -5,9 bn CZK 8 bn CZK 18,2 bn CZK
09:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production July 3 -2,8% y/y 0,5% y/y 0,9% y/y
09:00  - Retail Sales Retail Sales July 3 -4,4% y/y -5,1% y/y
11:00  - Retail Sales s.a. Retail Sales s.a. July 1 -0,2% m/m -0,2% m/m -0,3% m/m
11:00  - Retail Sales w.d.a. Retail Sales w.d.a. July 1 -1% y/y -1,2% y/y -1,4% y/y
14:30  - Trade Balance Trade Balance July 3 -65 bn USD -68 bn USD -65,5 bn USD
14:30  - Exports Exports July 1 251,7 bn USD 247,5 bn USD
14:30  - Imports   Imports July 1 316,7 bn USD 313 bn USD
14:30  - Trade Balance Trade Balance July 2 -0,99 bn CAD -3,6 bn CAD -3,73 bn CAD
14:30  - Labour Productivity Labour Productivity 2Q 1 -0,6% -0,1% -0,6%
14:30  - FOMC Member Collins Speaks FOMC Member Collins Speaks 2
15:20  - Reference Rate Reference Rate September 3 6,00% 6,50% 6,75%
15:20  - Lombard Rate Lombard Rate September 1 6,50% 7,25%
15:20  - Deposit Facility Rate Deposit Facility Rate September 1 5,50% 6,25%
15:20  - Rediscount Rate Rediscount Rate September 1 6,05% 6,80%
15:45  - Services PMI - fin.. Services PMI - fin.. August 2 50,5 51 52,3
16:00  - Interest Rate Decision Interest Rate Decision September 3 5,00% 5,00% 5,00%
16:00  - ISM Non-Manufacturing Index ISM Non-Manufacturing Index August 3 54,5 52,5 52,7
16:00  - Business Activity Index Business Activity Index August 3 57,3 57,1
16:00  - ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment Index ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment Index August 3 54,7 50,7
16:00  - ISM Non-Manufacturing Prices Index ISM Non-Manufacturing Prices Index August 3 58,9 56,8
16:00  - Information After the Monetary Policy Council Meeting Information After the Monetary Policy Council Meeting September 1
20:00  - Beige Book Beige Book September 2
21:00  - FOMC Member Logan Speaks FOMC Member Logan Speaks 2
22:40  - Crude Oil Stocks (API) - Weekly Change Crude Oil Stocks (API) - Weekly Change Week 3 -5,52bbl mn -1,4bbl mn -11,49bbl mn
No data
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