Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:30  - Manufacturing PMI Manufacturing PMI April 2 48,9 47,1
01:30 Household Spending March 1 -1,2% y/y -2,4% y/y -0,5% y/y
01:50 Current Account n.s.a. March 1 3398,8 bn JPY 3500 bn JPY 2644,2 bn JPY
01:50 Current Account s.a. March 1 2010,6 bn JPY 1368,6 bn JPY
08:00  - Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index April 1 3,6% y/y 3,5% y/y 3,9% y/y
08:00  - Core Consumer Price Index Core Consumer Price Index April 1 4,4% y/y 4,3% y/y 4,5% y/y
08:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance March 2 -13,97 bn GBP -14,5 bn GBP -14,21 bn GBP
08:00  - GDP s.a. - pre.. GDP s.a. - pre.. 1Q 3 0,6% q/q 0,4% q/q -0,3% q/q
08:00  - GDP s.a. - pre.. GDP s.a. - pre.. 1Q 3 0,2% y/y 0,0% y/y -0,2% y/y
08:00  - Industrial Production s.a. Industrial Production s.a. March 1 2,9% y/y -0,3% y/y -1,5% y/y
08:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production March 2 0,5% y/y 0,3% y/y 1,4% y/y
08:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production March 2 0,2% m/m -0,4% m/m 1,1% m/m
08:00  - Manufacturing Production Manufacturing Production March 2 2,3% y/y 1,8% y/y 2,7% y/y
08:00  - Manufacturing Production Manufacturing Production March 2 0,3% m/m -0,4% m/m 1,2% m/m
08:00  - GDP GDP March 2 0,4% m/m 0,1% m/m 0,1% m/m
08:00  - GDP GDP March 2 0,6% q/q 0,4% q/q 0,2% q/q
08:00  - GDP GDP March 2 0,7% y/y 0,3% y/y -0,2% y/y
08:30  - Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index April 3 3,7% y/y 3,7% y/y 3,6% y/y
09:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production March 1 4,3% y/y 11,5% y/y
09:00  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate March 1 8,6% 8,7%
09:00  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate April 2 3,7% 3,7% 3,9%
09:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production March 3 -6,9% y/y 0,1% y/y
10:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production March 1 -0,5% m/m 0,3% m/m 0,1% m/m
13:30  - ECB Minutes ECB Minutes April 3
14:30  - Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate April 1 6,1% 6,2% 6,1%
14:30  - Employment Change Employment Change April 3 90,4 k 19 k -2,2 k
14:30  - Full-time Employment Change Full-time Employment Change April 3 40,1 k -0,7 k
14:30  - Part-time Employment Change Part-time Employment Change April 3 50,3 k -1,6 k
15:00  - NBP Chairman Glapiński Speaks NBP Chairman Glapiński Speaks 3
15:00  - FOMC Member Bowman Speaks FOMC Member Bowman Speaks 2
16:00  - University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - pre.. University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment - pre.. May 2 67,4 76,1 77,2
16:00  - University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. University of Michigan 1-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. May 2 3,5 3,2
16:00  - University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. University of Michigan 5-Year Inflation Outlook - pre.. May 2 3,1 3
16:00  - FOMC Member Logan Speaks FOMC Member Logan Speaks 2
18:45  - FOMC Member Goolsbee Speaks FOMC Member Goolsbee Speaks 2
19:00  - Oil Rig Count Oil Rig Count Week 1 496 499
19:30  - FOMC Member Barr Speaks FOMC Member Barr Speaks 2
20:00  - Federal Budget Balance Federal Budget Balance April 1 209,5 bn USD 244,5 bn USD -236,5 bn USD
No data
CFD yra sudėtingos priemonės, dėl kurių kyla didelė rizika greitai prarasti pinigus taikant finansinį svertą.
75 proc. neprofesionaliųjų investuotojų sąskaitų prarandami pinigai prekiaujant CFD su šiuo teikėju.
Turėtumėte pagalvoti, ar suprantate, kaip veikia CFD ir ar galite sau leisti prisiimti didelę riziką prarasti savo pinigus.