Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
01:50 Machinery Orders April 2 -2,9% m/m -3% m/m 2,9% m/m
03:30  - Prices of Residential Buildings Prices of Residential Buildings May 2 -3,9% y/y -3,1% y/y
04:00  - Urban Areas Investments Urban Areas Investments May 1 4% y/y 4,2% y/y 4,2% y/y
04:00  - Industrial Production Industrial Production May 2 5,6% y/y 6% y/y 6,7% y/y
04:00  - Retail Sales Retail Sales May 2 3,7% y/y 3% y/y 2,3% y/y
08:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance May 1 58,7 bn NOK 65,3 bn NOK
09:00  - SECO Economic Forecasts SECO Economic Forecasts 2Q 1
09:00  - Producer Price Index Producer Price Index May 3 1% y/y 1,9% y/y 1,4% y/y
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. May 1 0,8% y/y 0,8% y/y 0,8% y/y
13:30  - ECB Member de Guindos Speaks ECB Member de Guindos Speaks 2
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices May 1 2,4% y/y 2,3% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices May 1 3,1% y/y 3,5% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices May 2 3,8% y/y 3,8% y/y 4,1% y/y
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean May 1 3% y/y 3% y/y
14:15  - Housing Starts Housing Starts May 1 264,5 k 246 k 240,2 k
14:30  - NY Empire State Manufacturing Index NY Empire State Manufacturing Index June 2 -6 -10 -15,6
19:00  - FOMC Member Harker Speaks FOMC Member Harker Speaks 2
23:00  - Westpac Consumer Sentiment Westpac Consumer Sentiment 2Q 2 82,2 93,2
No data
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