Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:00  - ECOFIN Meeting ECOFIN Meeting 1
10:00  - Consumer Price Index - fin.. Consumer Price Index - fin.. June 1 0,8% y/y 0,8% y/y 0,8% y/y
11:00  - ZEW Economic Sentiment ZEW Economic Sentiment July 2 41,8 42,3 47,5
11:00  - Trade Balance n.s.a. Trade Balance n.s.a. May 2 13,9 bn EUR 15 bn EUR
11:00  - Trade Balance s.a. Trade Balance s.a. May 1 12,3 bn EUR 17,1 bn EUR 19,4 bn EUR
11:00  - Trade Balance Trade Balance May 1 6,43 bn EUR 3,55 bn EUR 4,81 bn EUR
14:00  - Inflation Net of Administered Prices Inflation Net of Administered Prices June 1 2,5% y/y 2,4% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices Inflation Net of Most Volatile Prices June 1 3,3% y/y 3,1% y/y
14:00  - Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices Inflation Net of Food and Energy Prices June 2 3,6% y/y 3,7% y/y 3,8% y/y
14:00  - 15% Trimmed Mean 15% Trimmed Mean June 1 3,1% y/y 3% y/y
14:15  - Housing Starts Housing Starts June 1 241,7 k 258 k 264,5 k
14:30  - Export Prices Export Prices June 1 -0,5% m/m -0,1% m/m -0,6% m/m
14:30  - Non-agricultural Export Prices Non-agricultural Export Prices June 1 -0,6% m/m -0,8% m/m
14:30  - Import Prices Import Prices June 1 -0,1% m/m -0,4% m/m
14:30  - Non-petroleum Import Prices Non-petroleum Import Prices June 1 0,2% m/m -0,3% m/m
14:30  - Retail Sales Retail Sales June 3 -0,3% m/m 0,1% m/m
14:30  - Retail Sales Ex Autos Retail Sales Ex Autos June 3 0,4% m/m 0,0% m/m -0,1% m/m
14:30  - Retail Sales Ex Gas and Autos Retail Sales Ex Gas and Autos June 3 0,8% m/m 0,1% m/m
14:30  - Core Consumer Price Index Core Consumer Price Index June 1 1,9% y/y 1,8% y/y
14:30  - Consumer Price Index Consumer Price Index June 3 2,7% y/y 2,8% y/y 2,9% y/y
16:00  - NAHB Housing Market Index NAHB Housing Market Index July 1 42 43 43
16:00  - Business Inventories Business Inventories May 1 0,5% m/m 0,3% m/m 0,3% m/m
22:40  - Crude Oil Stocks (API) - Weekly Change Crude Oil Stocks (API) - Weekly Change Week 3 -4,44bbl mn 1bbl mn -1,9bbl mn
No data
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